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Haddonfield SC News

Haddonfield Soccer Club

The Haddonfield Soccer Club serves the community of Haddonfield, New Jersey as a non-profit, volunteer based youth soccer organization  led by an elected Board of Directors.

Spring 2025 Rec Registration is Now Open!

Spring 2025 registration is now open!

Register by February 16th.

The season will run from  March 17th to May 31st. We will have no games Easter weekend, or the last weekend of spring break.

Register HERE.

Practice Info:

** all practice times are 5:20-6:30 unless otherwise noted by each team's head coach

Monday - 4th/5th Grade on field 5.

Tuesday - K/1 Boys on field 2 and field 3. 2/3 Boys on field 5.

Wednesday - K/1 Girls on field 2 and half of field 3. 2/3 Girls on half of field 3.

Thursday - Squirts on fields 2, 3, and 6.

Quick Links

Haddonfield Soccer Club
P.O. Box 544
Haddonfield, NJ 08033